A Holiday Outing

I’m going to attempt to keep up with some more regular blogging and catch up with the updates at the same time. This is the promised visit to the zoo post and next time I will do some backlog. Oh yes, here is the link for the photo updates. The latest ones begin about halfway through; this album covers May through August, so far.

So last wednesday, we took the kids to the little zoo that is in town. This is much smaller than the one we went to back in May and only has animals that are native to India, but it also has a nice play area and snack areas. The last time we went to this zoo, Logan was the age Scarlett is now and Lila was only 4 months old, so they didn’t remember it at all.

Ready to go.
The holiday was Onam, the harvest festival of Kerela, a state further south than us (I think, I’m not currently consulting a map). Anyway, school was closed and when Glad asked the kids what they’d like to do, they said “Visit the zoo.” So we did.
We took a taxi across town and had it wait for us; because of that, I don’t think we stayed for more than 1 1/2 hours but it was enough. We left just as it was about to rain so we missed visiting the snake and croc part but the kids didn’t know any better and were content with what they did see.


They loved this very friendly deer.

Watching the otter have his lunch. You can see him there at Lila’s elbow.

The sambar deer.

Climbing high.

This place is also part nature reserve, so lots of deer are allowed to roam. In the parking lot there was one with huge horns trying to bum food off some people having their lunch, and there was a monkey running loose, terrorizing the people at the tables inside who were trying to eat. Their attempts to ward him off only made him hiss. Why he was loose I don’t know, seeing as the rest were caged.

Ok, I have to stop here for now. Gotta go buy something for dinner, drag the kids with me, and then come up with how to prepare whatever I buy. I don’t want to cook tonight.

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