
Hi there, welcome to my cozy space. I hope you are comfy, because you will want to stick around a while. Grab a cup of coffee and browse my writings.

Who am I?

Mercy Langille – mother, blogger, writer. When I’m not wiping snotty noses or stinky butts, picking up messes, stopping fights, taking trips to the park, shopping for food, or doing any other of the zillion things that happen in a mother’s day, I do my best to record my kids lives by writing about them here.


Meet My Children

Logan Gregory – 6 years old. Loves animals, especially farm animals (mainly cows). Wants to be a farmer, zookeeper, and diver when he grows up,  in order to be able to work with every kind of animal. Spends his days singing or quoting movie quotes, which he rarely gets right. Loves working dot-to-dot puzzles and can complete a book in a day.


Lilypie - (bg6D)

Lila Chanelle – 4 years old. My little rascal, always getting into trouble. If something is missing, broken, or damaged, 90% of the time she is  the one responsible. She will sneak under the dining table to avoid getting caught. Loves climbing, jumping, has excellent balance. Would be a great dancer and gymnast. Has discovered that she likes to draw and work dot-to-dot puzzles.


Lilypie - (axlh)

Scarlett Kate – 3 years old. Scarlett is cuddles and kisses personified. She crawls over me every night to sleep between daddy and I. Along with her she brings an armload of her favorite cuddle toys, who all have to join us. These days, she wants to do everything “by my own”, and when she wants to be carried she says, “I want to carry you.” When I asked her for the first time what she wants to be when she grows up she said, “You. I want to be you, Mama.” Melted my heart.


Lilypie - (11Yl)

And last but not least there is

Gladson – Hard worker, loving father, good husband. He sees to it that we lack for nothing.

Corp 1

What will you find here?

Stories from life with my kids on a daily basis, tips and advice on childcare, parenting and motherhood, stories I have written, and lots more. We are currently living in Chennai, India, so there is lots on India too.

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  1. The new site looks beautiful! What prompted the change to wordpress? I’ve seen a few people do that recently.

    • I wanted more of a website feel as opposed to a blog. WordPress has lots more options than Blogger in that respect. And I was ready for something new.

  2. alienwatcher

     /  December 7, 2012

    It looks great! I so like your idea of writing & getting paid for writing. I think you have it in you. You could definitely write about children.

    • I’m seriously researching it and hope to get going once we are in Canada, if not sooner. It mostly depends on how much time I have for it.

      • MrsSmith

         /  February 22, 2013

        I’ve recently started writing for Examiner. It’s not much, but it’s something!

  3. Jean

     /  December 11, 2012

    Hi Mercy, Nice new site, a special thanks for making it easy to comment. Lots of love Mom

  4. Love the new site! I need to work on some broken links too, but I’m not quite sure even how to!

  5. As a sometime blogger who also uses Blogger for a different purpose, WORDPRESS is BETTER! Hands down!
    Thank you Mercy for stopping in to read my blog.
    ‘Nuff Said That

  6. You have a beautiful family and your little Scarlett is an absolute doll! I love your blog and look forward to following you!

  7. What a beautiful family!

  8. Lovely kids and nice homely blog. Have a pleasant day! and thanks for stopping by my apricot cupcakes!

  9. momchalant

     /  May 17, 2013

    Scarlett is one of my favorite names EVER. You have an adorable little family. Your kids are a good mix of you and your husband.

  10. so nice to meet you! what a beautiful family!

  11. You have a beautiful family!

  12. Thanks so much for stopping by and commenting on my blog! I am so curious to read more about your life in India and the site doesn’t look like a mess at all. It’s actually very well organized and inviting.

  13. gloria

     /  December 9, 2013

    Patiently awaiting your arrival, Just love these photos! Mom

  14. Hey there!

    I just wanted to respond to the comment you left on my Crying, and whining, and tantrums, Oh My! post. I just wanted to say thanks so much for taking the time to read it and share your own experiences. It helps a lot knowing that others are familiar with this sort of behavior 🙂 You, girl, have your hands full with 3 children though; not sure how you do it, but kudos to you!

    Happy Friday, and I hope you have a wonderful weekend!


  15. Nice to “meet” you and your adorable family! They remind me of my 3, my son is oldest, and I have 2 girls. The personalities of the girls are switched for me, my middle child is 4 and she’s the calm, cuddly sweetheart, and my 2 year old is the troublemaker, moving chairs around and climbing up all over the place! Too funny. I look forward to reading more stories about your gang!


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